U.S. Presidents Poster
Happy Presidents’ Day! Well, we finally did it: we made a poster with presidential portraits. From George to Joe, it’s all forty-six presidents—color coded by political party.

Six presidents named James. Five named John (Don’t forget John Calvin Coolidge). Four named William. And one Millard for good measure.

Each poster is printed on 16″ x 20″ high-quality, uncoated 80-lb. paper—like a concert poster for your classroom or office.

Posters ship on the official release date: Presidents’ Day, February 19, 2024.


U.S Presidents poster detail


To celebrate Presidents’ Day (and our newest poster) we’ve made a set of six Presidents’ Day digital cards with famous words and slogans from presidential history.

Calvin Coolidge Presidents' Day Card
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidents' Day Card
Abraham Lincoln Presidents' Day Card
William Henry Harrison Presidents' Day Card
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidents' Day Card
Barack Obama Presidents' Day Card


Like Tippecanoe and Tyler, or Grover Cleveland, parts one and two, our new U.S. Presidents poster pairs perfectly with our original poster, the Periodic Table of the Presidents.

Periodic Table of the Presidents and U.S. Presidents posters
Hey—if you’re going to hang a poster in your classroom or office, why not make it colorful, engaging, and fun-ctional!

We’ve been making engaging posters since 2006, and we hope that you enjoy the latest addition to our poster line.

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