Nickname: Silent Cal

Years in office: 1923–1929

Political party: Republican

Birthday: July 4, 1872

Official presidential portrait of Calvin Coolidge

by Charles S. Hopkinson, 1932

Image from the Smithsonian Museum of American History

It was a three-man race for the White House in the election of 1924. Calvin Coolidge, the incumbent, campaigned on the economic and international stability of the times. Things were going well for Americans, so why switch it up? Just keep cool, and keep Coolidge.

Cool, calm, and collected, Calvin Coolidge finished the term of Warren G. Harding upon the president’s death. Luckily for Silent Cal, the scandals of the Harding administration did not affect his nomination to the Republican ticket.

With a strong economy and peace in Europe, the incumbent Coolidge had a head start. The Republican Party favored tariffs and lower taxes. The Democratic candidate, lawyer John Davis, favored lowering the tariff, creating an income tax, and farm relief. Coolidge won the election by a fairly large margin.


Plymouth, VT


Plymouth, VT


Northampton, MA


Plymouth, VT


Davis, Kenneth C., and Pedro Martin. Don’t Know Much about the Presidents. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2014.

DeGregorio, William A., and Aaron Jaffe. The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents. Fort Lee, NJ: Barricade Books, Inc., 2017.

Kane, Joseph Nathan, and Janet Podell. Facts about the Presidents: A Compilation of Biographical and Historical Information. New York: H.W. Wilson, 2009.


Encyclopedia Britannica, britannica.com

Library of Congress, loc.gov

Miller Center, University of Virginia, millercenter.org/the-presidency

The White House, whitehouse.gov

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