Nickname: Preacher President

Years in office: 1881

Political party: Republican

Birthday: November 19, 1831

Official presidential portrait of James A. Garfield

by Calvin Curtis, 1881

Desk Calendar, (Photo taken by PJ Creek at the James A. Garfield National Historic Site, on loan from the Rutherford B. Hayes Library and Museum)

This desk calendar, used daily by President Garfield, appears frozen in time to the date of his assassination. Garfield’s wife gifted the calendar to Rutherford B. Hayes, as a memento of her husband.

Garfield was not the obvious choice as the Republican candidate in the election of 1880. His platform differed only slightly from his opponent, Civil War hero Winfield Hancock. The main difference being that Republicans wanted strong tariff protections.

In a time when it was unheard of, Garfield actively campaigned for himself. He won the popular vote by the narrowest margin in election history.


Moreland Hills, OH


Lawnfield, Mentor, OH


Francklyn Cottage, Elberon, NJ


Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland, OH


Davis, Kenneth C., and Pedro Martin. Don’t Know Much about the Presidents. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2014.

DeGregorio, William A., and Aaron Jaffe. The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents. Fort Lee, NJ: Barricade Books, Inc., 2017.

Kane, Joseph Nathan, and Janet Podell. Facts about the Presidents: A Compilation of Biographical and Historical Information. New York: H.W. Wilson, 2009.


Encyclopedia Britannica, britannica.com

Library of Congress, loc.gov

Miller Center, University of Virginia, millercenter.org/the-presidency

The White House, whitehouse.gov

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